Hello once again! Halloween is over which means we can expect the arrival of Michael Ruddy Buble and Mariah Soddin Carey to the airwaves for the next couple of months. So today is the day that we launch the latest issue of Lights Go Out!
Issue 106 will be released tomorrow and features interviews with No Fun At All, California Cheeseburger & Rhiannon Scutt. Features on Sleeper and The Unlovables. There are columns including the legendary Now Then Gadgie. Music reviews, zine reviews and some fiction from Devin also fetaure.
If you’d like to pick a copy up they’re available in our store now here: https://www.lightsgoout.co.uk/?product=lights-go-out-issue-106
As always, huge thanks for supporting the zine, it’s much appreciated and why not pick up a back copy as well while you’re there… we still have a few odd copies of back issues available and we’d love to see them out in the world being read. Hey the zine does make great toilet reading we’ve been told…
Issue 107 is as good as finished as well! It will be out in December. We promise no festive shite in there, just the normal punk rock and more.
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