Surely by now you’ve all seen the mystery surrounding Knife Club. A band that has appeared from nowhere, nobody has announced who is in the band yet they’re picking up high profile shows left, right and centre. Is this the idea of a band of social media geniuses who know how to play the game to devastating effect? Is it something that started as a joke for the band, went a little bit further than they thought and now they’re stuck with it? Right now, nobody knows.
With a name liked Knife Club, they are almost asking for a reaction, which has already been forthcoming on social media, with suggestions that they are glamorising knife crime.
We were able to drop them a few questions over, we were fully aware that as for actual details on their identity won’t be forthcoming, but we might at least be able to get a slightly better idea as to who Knife Club are… some clues to try and piece together the jigsaw… here’s how we got on…
So welcome to Lights Go Out, we of course understand that we can’t ask who you are… so let’s see if we can get an idea on what we can expect from Knife Club… looking at the gigs you have coming up, we’ll hazard a guess that you are at least a punk band? Is that fair to say? And any clues as to the style we can expect?
We play punk rock. We like lots of different styles of punk. We cut bits from various styles and collage it back together to make something that sounds like punk.
There’s a real buzz about Knife Club on social media, so what’s going on, why the big secret? Or is this just a case of something that’s gone too far and you’ve just got to go with it now?
We thought it would be funny. We started doing it. It started to snowball. We can’t cut it out now. Even though some people already hate us. It’s always good to keep a joke going longer than it needs to.
Or is it a case of you can’t actually confirm who is in the band and at least this way you can change members with ease?
We can confirm, but we have chosen not to. Although that is what we’d say if we couldn’t confirm, so maybe that’s a double bluff. I’ve confused myself.
Did we hear that April 1st is going to be the big reveal? Is there some reason you’ve gone and picked April Fool’s Day and it’s all an elaborate hoax and there isn’t a band at all?
April fools day is a great day, as if we decide to do a big reveal we can. Or if we decided not to reveal anything we can pretend to reveal something. Or something similar. It isn’t an elaborate hoax. Although if it was, we’d use this interview to say it wasn’t…
The minimal clues online suggest there are six members of the club, is that accurate or is this just another tease and you are in fact Goldie Lookin’ Chain just with a new name?
We are not Goldie Lookin’ Chain with a new name. Although if we were… There are many people in the club. You can join the club at
There’s also that tease of an album or an EP, judging by the posts on social media of Knife Club recording… so what’s going on there then? When can we expect to hear music from you?
We have recorded an album. It will be available when we play gigs. If we do actually play gigs and this isn’t a hoax.
There’s been some posts slating the name, so let’s do the obvious, how did you come up with the name and how do you feel about the posts saying that it’s violent and it glamorises knife crime?
We saw this amazing film with the same name. It had Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in it. It’s about angry men who meet up in disused buildings to have knife fights. It’s great. We can’t stop talking about it.
Do we want to glamorise knife crime? Of course not. Were the Spice Girls glamorising Spice? Were Bomfunk MC’s glamorising bombs? Was MC Hammer glamorising hammers? Were Gun’s N Roses glamorising guns… I don’t know where I’m going with this…
Is this whole hype thing, just one big experiment to see how far a band can go without having done anything yet?
We’ll let you know when we decide. I mean it is pretty ridiculous we already have a cover band (Spoon Gang) when we haven’t even released any music.
Huge thanks for chatting with us, we know you’re all busy like spies trying to protect your secret identities, before we go, it’d be silly of us not to at least ask for a clue or a snippet of exclusive information… is there any morsel that you can share with us?
If you want to find out things first sign up to our club at and follow us on social media. Facebook/knifeclubpunk Instagram/Twitter @knifeclubpunk
We might also see if anyone will buy merch without hearing us.
Get involved in the hype #whoareknifeclub?
And there we have it… are we any more the wiser? Maybe not, but at least we now know it’s not Goldie Lookin’ Chain. As they say, get involved in the hype, Knife Club are coming…
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