Hello again! Yep it’s new issue launch day here! Issue 126 of Lights Go Out is officially available now!!!
Featuring: 10 Questions With: On Crash Sunday. There’s a lot of great columns this time too… “Trying To Hear A Tune” by Teddy Fourlegs part I, Gadgie On The Gogglebox by Marv Gadgie talks about “Chocky“, “Ambience” by Devin J. Meaney, a little horror movie chat and a review of Kamala & The Karnivores. Digging Into The Archives visits “Heathen Chemistry” by Oasis. And of course we have music reviews. A lot to read for sure!!!
If you fancy a copy please grab one from our store here: https://www.lightsgoout.co.uk/?page_id=22618
We’re also going to send a free zine with all orders from the back issues we have in stock…
So much for being a bit less busy this year!!! Issues 127, 128 and 130 are in fact all finished! Issue 129 has a lot of content as well, we can’t use all of this in there so will have to save some for issue 131 when we get round to it. Just need a few more finishing touches to issue 129 and that’ll be ready to print as well. We will of course have to space releasing the zines out a little… so stay tuned for updates! Busy times!
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