Attic Salt formed in 2015 and hail from Springfield, IL. Playing a mix of indie punk with a real 90’s warmth about it, we checked their album out and really enjoyed it, hence we knew we wanted to get them into the pages of Lights Go Out. We were album to throw some questions over to Attic Salt drummer, Fred Malcolm and here’s what went down…
Hi, welcome to Lights Go Out, first up can you do the normal and introduce the band and what your role is?
Hey yah. We are Attic Salt, a rock band from Springfield, IL. I am Fred, I play drums.
Can we set the scene as well please, can you tell us where you are answering this from and what’s around you?
Well, I am in my living room in Springfield, IL with game 7 of the world series on. Lots of furniture and t shirts/ gear are laying all over the floor. I need to clean.
When did Attic Salt form and how did you all meet?
Attic salt came together late 2015. Andy and I wanted to start another band with female vocals. Him and I have played in bands together since we were teens the latest before Attic Salt being Nephrons. When Nephrons dissolved, I heard my friend Alyssa sing and play at an open mic and I said, we are starting a band. She said, ok yes. That’s the exciting part I guess. Lanny joined up this year. He’s a good friend and also in other bands with us.
When the band first formed did you have a clear idea of the sound you wanted or did it come after time?
Nope. There wasn’t and isn’t a sound we go far. We just write what comes naturally to us.
How would you describe your sound to those yet to hear Attic Salt?
Ehh, I guess a rock band with male/female vocals with catchy hooks. This is a tough question. Our influences definitely show in our music.
Which artists have been an influence on your sound and you personally?
I’d say as a band.. all of Bob Mould’s bands, Superchunk, Jawbreaker, Beatles. Me personally, I grew up listening to oldies and I love Rainer Maria.
You have your self titled debut album out now, how has the initial feedback been on it?
So far it has been great. So many nice things have been said so that is very cool.
Was it an easy album to write and are there any central themes running through it?
There are no central themes. Just a collection of songs we wrote throughout late 2015-2016.
How was the recording process for you?
We recorded with our good friend Luke McNeill here in Springfield. I’m in a few other bands with him, Hospital Job and Starter Jackets, so everything was totally comfortable. He really knows what he is doing and brought the best out of us.
Do you enjoy recording or would you rather be out playing live?
Playing live no question. Recording is stressful cause you want it to be perfect but not stray too far from what you really sound like live.
Are there plans in place to tour the record at all? And how about the chance to hop on a plane and travel over to our UK shores?
As of now, we are looking at doing a run of dates either in late spring or summer 2018. We’d love to tour the UK!
You’ve signed with Dodgeball Records, how did the come about?
We had finished the record and I was looking to see if anyone would want to put it out. I had met Mike Felumlee prior with his Live From The Rock Room series. I shot him a message with a few tracks and he loved them. And the rest is history!
What’s the plan with the release of the record, will there be a vinyl issue?
No vinyl as of yet. Just CD/digital and cassettes we are still waiting on.
Are you big supporters of the whole vinyl revival in the music scene right now?
Yes and no. I buy vinyl but really never listen to it. I think most everyone just listens online. I do like a tangible product, in that instance, vinyl with a download code is cool. It’s an experience taking out a vinyl record, getting you away from the computer/smart phone and actually listening to a record. So yeah I guess I’m for it. So change that yes, I’m for it!
You hail from Springfield, IL, what’s the music scene like there and are there any bands we should be listening too?
Good ole Springfield. The scene here is kinda blah. It’s tough to get folks out to shows anywhere though. There are some good bands, The Complaint Line and Boon write good tunes. There is an all ages scene here but it’s pretty niche.
Talking of other bands, do any of you moonlight in other projects at all? And how about previous bands?
I mean yeah we’ve all been in old bands but current bands, I play in Hospital Job and Starter Jackets. Lanny is also in Starter Jackets.
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
Tough question, I know others would have different answers but me I guess let me sit in on a Beach Boys set. I love Brian Wilson. This will never ever happen.
Have you got any words of advice for people in bands?
Be humble, don’t follow trends and be nice. Nice people rule.
Huge thanks for chatting with us, I generally like to finish off an interview with asking about the greatest movie of all time. So, what for you is the greatest movie of all time and why?
Oh my, it’s not a great movie at all but I’d say The Buddy Holly Story. It got me into music as a kid and opened me up to a world of rad music from the 50s and 60s.
Check Attic Salt out here:
Huge thanks to Fred and also Mike @ Earshot.
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