We get a lot of releases sent in for review and to be honest 90% of it is total crap so when we get something that is amazing it really is a blessing. We were sent a link for Aree And The Pure Heart’s EP “Heartsongs” and it took us right back. Channelling the sounds of Against Me! mixing it up with The Boss, well we were in and definitely needed to find out more about them. Huge thanks to Aree for chatting with us. Aree And The Pure Heart are definitely a band you need to be checking out, incredibly powerful stuff. Anyways, here’s a little interview with Aree…
Hi Aree, thanks for taking time out to chat with us, so can you set the scene for us please…where are you, how has your day been?
Good morning! It is 6am. I’m in my kitchen drinking coffee that I made in a teapot lined with a coffee filter b/c my French press broke. Hahaha. So far, today has been successful!
Your EP is called “Heartsongs”, can you tell us a bit about it please?
It is my first release. Honestly, I wasn’t’ sure if it was going to even happen. One day I just had a strong urge to make a rock n roll record. I started waking up really early to go write songs in abandoned parking lots before the day the sun came up. I took the demos to Joey Jones at Aria Recording Studio, and we recorded everything over the summer. Shout out to Joey and all the people who donated to my gofundme, because without them this definitely wouldn’t have happened!
You’re being compared to mixes of Bruce Springsteen, Against Me! and The Gaslight Anthem, how does that make you feel and did any of those artists inspire what you do?
I am more than honored to be compared to those artists! To be honest, before I started receiving these comparisons, I had only heard one Against Me! song, zero Gaslight songs, and only the standard Springsteen radio hits. I only knew that I wanted to write songs that had a certain vibe. I guess that is probably how it all connects. We all share the same sort of angst that we are putting into rock n roll songs. I have since listened to almost everything they have recorded. Tbh, I was scared to listen to The Boss. I knew he was too good. I watched the 1979 London show before listening to any albums, and I turned it off after 3 minutes because I felt it was going to really be overwhelming. Haha, I finally did it though.
In your own words, how would you describe the songs we find on “Heartsongs”?
Exploding heart Rocknroll that grew up on punk records.
The EP feels very heartfelt, where do you draw your inspiration from?
Thank you! I’m inspired by the foolish feeling of never growing up and never dying. I’m inspired by songs that make you want to scream them out at the top of your lungs. I’m inspired by artists who somehow put words together that make my heart feel indestructible. ‘Windows down, volume up, first day of summer, let’s go jump off a bridge’ feelings.
You self released the EP, was this an important factor for you to remain in control over your music?I do think that is very important, but I just self-released it because I didn’t know any labels, or any other bands really. I’ve been out of the music scene for a really long time. It was just re-released through Terminus City Music and will be released in Europe on Bearded Punk Records in a few months. They both are in it to help artists. I’m very grateful for those guys!
How did the band come together?
When I did the EP, I was wondering if I would even be able to have a band. I did a few shows with Sheppard Martin (who played drums on the EP) as a two piece. Then I decided I’m too terrible a guitar player to keep doing that, haha. Shout out to PJ, Dave, and Ciggy for playing with me. I’m so terribly thankful for them.
How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together?
I think it is staying pretty close to the original formula for now.
Have you all played in bands previously? And do any of you play in other bands currently?
PJ plays in Summer Salt https://summersaltmusic.bandcamp.com/ Ciggy plays in Breaux! and Dave plays with Alex Guthrie Band.
You hail from Atlanta, what is the music scene like there?
Lots of bands. Lots of cool people. I’m still new to the scene. I’ve noticed there is like circles that rarely converge. It isn’t intentional, but just the way it seems. I’m hoping to be an artist that can move through all of those circles.
Are there any bands you’d recommend we check out from there?
The Boy Jones is my favorite Atlanta songwriter. He sang some gang vocals on the EP too. And Karbomb. My two favs.
Have you any plans to tour and how about to get over to our shores on the UK?
Not currently. I hope to, though!
Do you feel it’s important for a band to have an active online presence and where are the best places for people to find out more about Aree And The Pure Heart?
I think that is extremely important! Twitter @areepureheart Instagram @areepureheart And of course Facebook and Youtube
So what’s up next for you? Is there an album in the pipeline at all?
Currently recording the debut LP. I’m very excited about it.
What’s your ultimate direction for the band? How do you see your future?
I want to write lots of songs and play them for millions of people around the world. I want to keep making records that make people feel like they will never die and never grow up.
Have you got any advice for people in bands out there?
You can do it! 24 hours in a day. 4 hours sleep is enough. Don’t overthink it. Write your heart out.
Thanks for chatting with, good luck with everything, hope to see you in the UK playing shows at some point soon. Have you got any final words you’d like to leave us with?
I hope we can do some shows in the UK as soon as possible. Being alive rules. Be as alive as you can.
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